Certified Training


What is KANBAN?

Organisations without a balance between demand and delivery capacity are characterised by an overworked and unproductive workforce, poor quality, unpredictable results, late deliveries, dissatisfied customers and missed opportunities. Organisations that are out of balance lose their ability to innovate and struggle with high employee turnover.

The Kanban method is a way to rebalance this equation. In Kanban, we visualise and control the flow of work to make dependencies, rework and bottlenecks controllable and thus delivery predictable. We actively manage the speed, consistency and frequency of delivery and continuously improve our system in a data-driven way.

The concept of the KANBAN method

Physical work can be seen, touched, counted. Knowledge work, on the other hand, is largely immaterial – you can’t see it. Intangible goods can be physically represented and visualised in a Kanban system. So the Kanban Board not only shows the work in process, but also the utilisation of a work system and the flow of work in the system. In this way, bottlenecks and delays can be identified and risks minimised.

Kanban is a method for organising and controlling professional services. It uses concepts from LEAN, such as limiting work in progress to improve results.  In a Kanban system, free capacities are displayed and new work is started only when the capacity is available. This concept is called a pull system. Through the pull approach and the capacity-driven utilisation of the system, even complex work can be managed and real control over the workload can be gained. Kanban thus creates an understanding of work with work.

The KANBAN Training Programme

All Kanban trainings are accredited by Kanban University. The theoretical basics are applied and tried out in a wealth of exercises. At the end, there are procedures and first drafts for your own boards for implementation in your own organisations.

Certified Training

Kanban University Team Kanban Practitioner

In this training you will learn the core concepts of Kanban as a method. From the team’s perspective, we look at team Kanban systems and their use and use them to improve communication and collaboration. You will learn which meetings and reviews are necessary to run a Kanban system and which steps are necessary to continuously improve it. Terms such as work flow, limitation and service classes are clearly outlined and you can successfully drive work and improvement with your team.


Kanban University Certified Kanban TrainingGet to know, appreciate and apply the Kanban method and its concepts of work flow, pull mechanisms and collaborative improvement. In this training you will learn everything you need to design a Kanban system. From visualisation to limiting and flow control, from cadences to rules to metrics, you will learn practices, best patterns and approaches to kanbanise your organisation.

The KSD training is the first half of the Kanban Management Professional (KMP) certification.


Kanban University Kanban Management ProfessionalYou understand the principles of evolutionary change and can accompany them with a flow-driven Kanban system. You know the basic feedback loops and understand and apply metrics to control your Kanban system. In this training you will learn to draw deeper insights from your system, make data-driven decisions and optimise your workflow based on them.

The KSI training is the second half of the Kanban Management Professional (KMP) certification and completes it.